Now That I Have My Dentures, How Often Do I Take Them Off?

April 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lagunaniguel @ 11:50 pm
dentures soaking in a glass

When you get your dentures for the first time, there’s often a lot to learn. Your new prosthetic will be a noticeable improvement over a life without teeth, but you’ll still have to adapt to the new state of your mouth.

Eating, talking, and smiling will all feel completely different, not to mention the various components of upkeep that you’ll have to start thinking about. For example, when do you take your dentures out? Is it necessary to remove them, or can you leave them on 24/7? In the interest of helping you adapt to dentures as quickly as possible, here’s what you should know about when to remove them.
