Orange County Center for Sedation Dentistry Blog

4 Signs That You’re a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lagunaniguel @ 5:07 pm
Young patient at the dentist receiving sedation dentistry.

Let’s face it; going to the dentist isn’t the most exciting thing in the world—in fact, there are those who would rather be anywhere else in the world than sitting in their dentist’s chair! If this describes your attitude towards the dentist, you might be curious about receiving sedation dentistry to make your next visit a positive experience. Sedation dentistry allows patients to receive the dental care they need without any of the usual fear, fuss, or hassle. Here are four signs that indicate you might be the perfect candidate for receiving sedation dentistry.


What to Do When You Need an Emergency Dentist ASAP

August 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lagunaniguel @ 4:20 pm
Woman visiting her dentist for severe tooth pain.

They can happen when you least expect them to, and they often happen when it’s very inconvenient. Dental emergencies are a fact of life, and when they do occur, knowing how to handle them properly will ensure that your smile is in no immediate danger. That said, you might have questions about dental emergencies and how to go about finding an emergency dentist when you need one. Keep reading to learn more.


Welcome to Our Blog!

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lagunaniguel @ 4:20 pm
Hanging welcome sign

In today’s world, technology and the field of dentistry are moving at the speed of light. As a result, it can be hard to keep up with the latest techniques and treatments that are available. Our team saw a need for patients to have a reliable, trustworthy, and informative place to turn, and that’s what inspired our blog! Moving forward, we will be updating this platform with everything from the newest treatments to essential preventive care tips. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about our practice!

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